Called to Baptismal Living

Dear Friends,

Like so many, we watched in appalled disbelief Wednesday as we witnessed a mob overrun the Capitol building and disrupt our elected leaders as they sought to perform their constitutional duty. We condemn this assault on our democracy. It is contrary to the principles we claim to value as a nation. More significantly for us as church leaders, it was utterly contrary to the way of Jesus Christ.

This Sunday, members of our several traditions will be hearing again the account of Jesus’ baptism. Among other things, that baptism symbolizes Jesus immersing himself in the murky stream of human history with all its violent divisiveness in order to bring healing, justice, and reconciliation.

Though we represent different Christian traditions we are united by our common baptism which unites us to Jesus and to one another. Using similar language, those who are baptized into the church renounce evil and commit themselves to the way of Jesus — the way of his love, his joy, his peace. We call on the members of our churches to remember and reflect on their baptisms and the promises made there. May we live into those promises and pursue healing, justice, and reconciliation.


Reverend Jane B. Anderson
Associate Conference Minister
Wisconsin Conference
United Church of Christ

Rev. Dr. Kate Croskery Jones
District Superintendent
North East District
Wisconsin Annual Conference
United Methodist Church 

Bishop Anne Edison-Albright
East Central Synod of Wisconsin
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The Rt. Rev.  Matthew Gunter 
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fond du Lac
Bishop Provisional of the Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire
The Episcopal Church


Ash Wednesday Message from Bishop


Letter to Synod with Staff Announcement