Synod Staff

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The Reverend Anne Edison-Albright
Bishop of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin

The Rev. Anne Edison-Albright serves as bishop of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin. She previously served as Director of College Ministries and College Pastor at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and as pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. She earned a BA in English and a BA in journalism from Michigan State University; completed her MDiv at Yale Divinity School, and a year of Lutheran formation at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (now United Lutheran Seminary).

Bishop Anne has been a regular writer and curriculum editor for Augsburg Fortress and Sparkhouse since 2008. Her current ministry has been enriched by experience teaching high school ESL and English; her time as a short term missionary in China and Slovakia; and a year of residency as a hospital chaplain. Growing up connected to the ELCA churchwide expression through her parents–Paul and Sue Edison-Swift, and their work in communication and IT for the churchwide organization–formed Bishop Anne’s active faith and lived experience of the wide and radically inclusive Body of Christ.

The Edison-Albright Family—Anne, Sean, Walter and Sally—live in Appleton, Wisconsin and are members of Christ the King in Combined Locks and Christus in Greenville. The Edison-Albrights love Star Trek, Star Wars, baking and gardening together, and sharing their favorite new music and podcasts.

Phone: (920) 903-9679 (call or text) or (920) 734-5381 (Support with scheduling)
Central Office: First English, Appleton (North Site)

Please contact Bishop Anne or Jeanne Jerks to schedule an appointment.

The Reverend Asher O’Callaghan
Associate to the Bishop, Director for Transitions

Pastor Asher O’Callaghan was called by the East Central Synod of Wisconsin Council on December 28, 2020, to be Associate to the Bishop, Director for Transitions. Prior to this call he served as pastor at Highlands Lutheran Church in Denver, Colorado. To his new call he brings training and background in intentional interim ministry as well as work with people and congregations in candidacy/call/mobility processes during his time as Program Director for Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries. Pastor Asher discerned a call to ministry in the midst of his own gender transition. Embodying transition, Pastor Asher is uniquely equipped to help congregations consider their identity and mission in seasons of congregational change. 

Pastor Asher received his Master of Divinity degree from Luther Seminary and is married to Pastor Leslie O’Callaghan. Together they enjoy staying physically fit and caring for their beloved dog Francis and their cats, Jack, Matilda, and Agnes.

Phone: (920) 903-9677 (call or text) or (920) 734-5381 (for scheduling)
Central Office: Saint Andrew, Wausau

Talk to Pastor Asher about:  Mobility Process, Calling a new pastor, First call support

The Reverend Dara Clifford
Associate to the Bishop, Director for Evangelical Mission

Pastor Dara Clifford was called by the churchwide organization and the East Central Synod of Wisconsin in October 2022. Prior to serving as Associate to the Bishop, Director for Evangelical Mission, Pastor Dara served as the Associate Pastor for Youth and Innovation at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Combined Locks, WI. Pastor Dara brings a wealth of experience to her role as DEM. Prior to ordination, she served as a lay leader who collected a variety of experiences, including mission development, education, innovation, and work with new and emerging ministries. She has built deep and abiding relationships through many years in lay ministry across the synod at Peace Lutheran Church in Oshkosh, Christus Lutheran Church in Greenville, and as Site Director at Imago Dei Village for Crossways Camping Ministries in Clintonville.

A graduate of Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, IA, Pastor Dara’s other vocations include that of spouse and parent. Together they love to travel and build things with a variety of materials whether they be sticks, magnatiles, wood planks, or blankets. Pastor Dara has also taken up horseback riding, and loves to talk horses with whoever she can!

Phone: (920) 903-9676 (call or text) or (920) 734-5381 (for scheduling)
Central Office: Christus, Greenville

Talk to Pastor Dara about: Discerning a call to ministry, Candidacy for new leaders, Dreaming up and trying new things in ministry

The Reverend Jenn Pockat
Associate to the Bishop, Director for Relationships and Resources

Pastor Jenn Pockat (pronounced, pa-KOYT) was called by the East Central Synod of Wisconsin Council to serve as Associate to the Bishop in April of 2021. Pastor Jenn works to curate resources for the synod: everything from stewardship to policy and practical aspects of ministry. She also tends to our communal life: convening cohorts, providing one on one care or consultation. From 2012 - 2021, Pastor Jenn served Saint Andrew in Wausau, first as associate and then, starting in 2019, as lead pastor. She is a graduate of Luther College and Wartburg Seminary and has served as treasurer on the board of Crossways Camping Ministries and is the staff liaison for the ECSW lay school. Pastor Jenn is married to Don and lives on a hobby farm in Caroline, in rural Shawano County. She loves spending time with her cats and working in the garden.

Phone: (920) 903-9678 (call or text) or (920) 734-5381 (for scheduling)
Central Office: Imago Dei Village, Clintonville

Talk to Pastor Jenn about: Stewardship, Policy Development, Governance and Ministry, Continuing Education, or for one on one support and consultation.

Jeanne Jerks
Associate to the Bishop, Director for Administration and Operations

Called to serve in July of 2019, Jeanne provides administrative support and connects people to the details of our synod life through coordinating events, record keeping, office management, and hospitality. Coming to the synod with a wealth of experience in administrative work and deep faith in the mission of the gospel, Jeanne has worked in a variety of fields to provide leadership.

Phone: (920) 734-5381 or (920) 841-7328 (call or text)

Talk to Jeanne about: Synod Assembly, Fall Conference, Continuing Education Events and Trainings, Database management and reports, Maintenance of Synodical Records, Reports and Roster, Administrative support for synod council

Nancy Salzwedel
Financial Administrator

Called to serve in November of 2017, Nancy provides administrative financial support to the Bishop and oversees administration of synod finances, insurance, contracts, coordination of payroll and personnel records. She provides staff support for financial aspects of ministry and assists with budgeting and tracking mission support and the synod’s endowment fund, as well as coordinating the annual audit with an outside CPA firm. Nancy is married to Dave and she enjoys spending time with her married adult children and her five energetic grandchildren. She loves quilting, yoga, and cooking and is a member of First United Methodist Church in Appleton.

Phone: (920) 903-9675 (call or text)

Talk to Nancy about: Mission Support, Congregation Financial Questions, Endowment Funds