ELCA Introduces Journi

Chicago (Dec. 13, 2022) — The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is pleased to introduce Journi, a web-based tool designed to help people discern their call to leadership in the ELCA.

“Journi encourages all of us to seek out and inspire gifted people in our congregations and communities to consider a call to ministry of the gospel,” said the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, ELCA presiding bishop.

Journi.faith is an online tool that connects people with programs and ministries from across the ELCA. By creating a free account with Journi, a person can take the ELCA Spiritual Gifts Personality Quiz, which will identify their top five spiritual gifts, and receive content recommendations based on those gifts.

“Journi is for anyone who wants to explore how they might follow Christ in love and service,” said the Rev. Philip Hirsch, executive for ELCA Christian Community and Leadership. “For those who feel they are called to make the world a better place but don’t know exactly what they want to do, Journi will help them find a next step.”

Users can also check out upcoming leadership events in the ELCA on the calendar and have access to nine different paths that are similar to small courses that showcase programs and ministries from across the ecology of the ELCA, along with dozens of articles, videos, podcasts, and other resources for users to learn from. Those nine paths are: Called to Lead, Chaplaincy, Choosing the Right Seminary, Connecting Faith & Public Life, Finding Faith on Campus, Get a Scholarship: Fund for Leaders, Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, Young Adults in Global Mission, and Youth Leadership.

“Journi is for everyone, not just those who want to become pastors or deacons in the church,” Hirsch said. “God calls everyone to love and serve.”

Learn more about Journi.


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