For Religious Liberty and Against Christian Nationalism

The ELCA Bishops in Wisconsin joined several ecumenical colleagues in signing on to a statement, "For Religious Liberty and Against Christian Nationalism." Other signers are invited to add their names through the Wisconsin Council of Churches link shared here.

March 11, 2025

We, the undersigned, urge the federal government to protect the religious liberty of all people and we strongly condemn the rise of Christian Nationalism, a dangerous conflation of fundamentalist Christianity, conservative politics, and fierce patriotism which distorts what it means to be an American citizen and an engaged Christian in society.

An executive order signed by President Trump on February 6th established a new “Task Force to Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias”. This Task Force has the duty to “identify any unlawful anti-Christian policies, practices, or conduct by an agency.” This executive order is a threat to the religious pluralism enshrined in the constitution and does not protect Christians; rather it aligns the federal government with Christian Nationalism.

With the executive order for “Eradicating Anti-Christian Bias”, the federal government has given itself the authority and mandate to define what might be considered “anti-Christian,” and therefore also the authority to define what is Christian - a power which belongs to the Church alone, not the federal government. This executive order violates religious freedom, corrupts the separation of Church and State, and creates a more hostile environment for Christians and all citizens who believe differently than the current administration and its religious advisors.

As Christians, we follow Jesus’ command to love God and love others.2 Christian Nationalism, which does not speak for all Christians, distorts the Gospel and turns Jesus and Christianity into a weapon for power and division instead of a movement towards love and justice. As U.S. Citizens, we uphold a system of government that tries to keep the common good central, defends religious freedom, and protects the rights of all. The dangerous ideology of Christian Nationalism demands that a particular brand of Christianity be privileged by the state and impose that singular belief system in order to be a “good American”.

In order to protect religious freedom, the federal government must not align with one religious ideology but rather honor the constitutional mandate to defend space for religious pluralism and ensure that each member of society is free to practice their religion, or no religion, while keeping the peace and working together for the common good.

We call on the President of the United States and all elected officials to protect religious freedom in our country and uphold the constitution of the United States of America.


Bishop Paul Erickson, Greater Milwaukee Synod ELCA

Bishop Anne Edison-Albright, East Central Synod of Wisconsin ELCA

Bishop Felix Malpica, La Crosse Area Synod ELCA

Bishop Martin Halom, Northwest Synod of Wisconsin ELCA

Bishop Katherine Finegan, Northern Great Lakes Synod ELCA

Bishop Joy Mortensen-Wiebe, South-Central Synod of Wisconsin ELCA

The Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter, Episcopal Diocese of Wisconsin

The Rt. Rev. Rayford Ray, Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan

Dan Schwerin, Bishop, Northern Illinois-Wisconsin Area United Methodist Church

Rev. Jane B. Anderson, United Church of Christ

Rev. Rachel Bauman, United Church of Christ

Rev. Michael D. Jones, United Church of Christ

Rev. Franz Rigert, Wisconsin Conference Minister, United Church of Christ

Rev'd Dr. Christian D. Boyd, Stated Clerk, Presbytery of Milwaukee, PC(USA)

Rev. Dr. Dave Colby, General Presbyter for Winnebago Presbytery, PC (USA)

Rev. Devon M. Reynolds, Executive Presbyter for the John Knox Presbytery, PC(USA)

Walt Wiltschek, District Executive Minister, IL/WI District Church of the Brethren

Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell, Regional Executive Minister, American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin

Lynne Smith, OSB, Prioress of Holy Wisdom Monastery, Middleton, WI

Fr. Yeprem Kelegian, WI Representative to the Wisconsin Council of Churches, Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern)

Manuel Ramminger, Co-Founder Ethical Trade Co

Rev. Kerri Parker, Executive Director, Wisconsin Council of Churches

Rev. Joy Gallmon, D. Ed.Min., Board President, Wisconsin Council of Churches

Rev. Valerie Showalter, Board Member, Wisconsin Council of Churches

The Rev. Dr. Matthew L. Sauer, Manitowoc Cooperative Ministry, PCUSA/UCC

The Rev. Donald M. Fleischman, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Milwaukee WI

Rev. Nii Addo Abrahams, Board Member, Wisconsin Council of Churches


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Jesus was Already in the Wilderness