On the Cancelation of the ELCA Youth Gathering: ECSW Reflections and Support

Dear ones of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin,

This morning we received news from the ELCA churchwide organization that the decision has been prayerfully made to cancel the 2022 Youth Gathering, MYLE and tAble. That full statement can be found here. 

The loss of this Gathering experience may bring a wide range of emotions for you: disappointment, grief, frustration, anger, relief.  As you honor these feelings and ponder next steps, we write to share with you some of our initial reflections on the practical implications of this news. 

Slow down. It will be tempting to “fix” or “fill the gap.” It is okay that you don’t have all the answers to all of the questions or have no idea for what will come next. Let the open space that has been created in your calendar be and breathe. 

Communicate. Likely by the time you receive this note from us you will have already shared the news of changed plans with those who were expecting to participate directly. If you have not, it would be wise to share that as soon as you can so that they don’t hear the news secondhand. Then plan to share the news of changed plans with other congregation leaders and stakeholders: council members, those who have given funds, and to the wider community. 

Gather together. Find time for meeting with those who were planning to go to the Gathering this year, adults and youth. Make space for them to share and process how they are feeling. What were they looking forward to the most? Share what you were hoping they would experience. Acknowledge this loss with a litany of release or a ritual of some kind. A ritual that your group creates together might include a Bible reading, a song, a prayer, and a blessing.

Be clear about funds. Be transparent about what has been raised and set aside in the budget for the youth Gathering, and communicate that great care is being taken to reallocate these funds in a manner that is worthy of the intentions of the gift. Make those decisions in community and communicate clearly when decisions are made. 

Acknowledge the work that has been done. Faith formation leaders have done a tremendous amount of work to plan for this Gathering. If you are a pastor or a congregation leader - consider the grace you can offer those who have lost this project. Offer time off for renewal and encourage care for self and rest as the work on their plates shifts. Don’t rush to goal setting right away. If you are a faith formation or youth leader - take time to analyze the capacity you have for a change of course. 

Discover the potential of found time. Work together to dream of new opportunities. Found time is a gift. Is this the year for a local service opportunity? Is there an outdoor ministry connection that you can make with Crossways or other Lutheran Outdoor Ministries sites? Is this the year for a sabbath from summer trips to focus on faith formation renewal?

Crossways Camping Ministries is a valuable partner and resource in our synod. Rev. Sharon Cook, Executive Director of Crossways, has been in conversation with the synod team. She is beginning conversations with the Crossways staff team to discuss how they might bring support and an opportunity for the synod's high school youth to connect this Summer. If you have questions or ideas to share, Sharon can be reached at sharon@crosswayscamps.org or 920-882-0023.

Connect with others. Do not hesitate to ask for help where it is needed and lean into wise colleagues. Gathering Synod Coordinator, Rev. Bryan Schmidt, is available as a resource and support for you and will be attending a follow up meeting in Minneapolis Feb. 9-11 with gathering staff and other synod coordinators to learn how to assist congregations in our synod that are changing plans. In our synod, Pastor Bryan will be the best person to answer any youth gathering questions and he can be reached directly at 920-385-9612 or revbschmidt@gmail.com

The theme for this Gathering was “Boundless.” It was based on a passage from Ephesians 3 - where in verses 20 and 21 we read these words, 

I pray that Christ Jesus and the church will forever bring praise to God. [God’s] power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine. Amen.

In these times where sudden change and loss due to the pandemic have been constant and made us weary, we pray with great thanksgiving for you and the ministry you share with the young people in your congregation. Investing time and energy into young people is never wasted or lost and it makes a difference. As you pour into young people the love of Jesus in tangible ways, we pray that you also might feel the love of God, who in Christ, does far more than we dare ask or imagine.

Bishop Anne Edison-Albright

The Rev. Jenn Pockat
Associate to the Bishop,
Director for Communications and Community

The Rev. Bryan Schmidt
Gathering Synod Coordinator - East Central Synod of Wisconsin


Love is…


A Blessing for People Formed by Loss and Miracle