Synod Staff Transitions

The Rev. Grant Applehans has resigned his call as Director of Evangelical Mission (DEM) in the East Central Synod of Wisconsin (ECSW) to pursue further education at Georgetown University in Washington DC beginning this fall. 

In his time as DEM, Pastor Grant has engaged call committees, evangelism teams, and church councils in discerning new possibilities and configurations to let their light shine. From his early connection to the ECSW as an Intern Pastor at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Seymour, Wisconsin, up to and through his work to quickly coordinate refugee relief efforts across the synod, Pastor Grant’s impact has been lasting and will not be forgotten.

Pastor Grant has walked with congregations through the processes of holy closure and disaffiliation, served on the faculty at lay school, collaborated to develop a new training for congregations in transition, and faithfully supported congregations through regular preaching and presiding at worship services across the synod. 

His energy and dedication helped to launch new efforts including a synod anti-racism team, hunger team, renewal and revitalization of the global mission team, and the creation of a composer’s circle. These are among the many seeds planted with us that God’s Spirit will help to grow.

Pastor Grant's last day at the Synod will be May 26th.  He will be spending the summer with his family back in Montana, serving at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp and preparing for his post baccalaureate pre-med program in the fall.  

When Pastor Grant came to the East Central Synod of Wisconsin, we offered this prayer: 

Inspire us for your creative ministry for the sake of the Gospel and the sake of the world you love, and for all the ways you will work through Pastor Grant to call us into relationship and with each other and the world. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!   

We rejoice that this prayer has been answered by the work of the Holy Spirit in and through Pastor Grant. We give thanks to God for his presence among us and pray for him and his wife, Pastor Amanda Applehans, and their son, Samuel, now in this next new chapter. 

We will be offering a public blessing and sending at the upcoming Synod Assembly. Any personal notes or remembrances to Pastor Grant at 

Pastor Grant Applehans

The Gift


Glorious Disruption