Updated: Continuing Education Opportunities for Rostered Ministers

Have you ever thought about Intentional Interim Ministry? Online Discernment Event through LuTMA scheduled for 2023

This event hosted by Lutheran Transitional Ministry Association will be held on Thursday, January 24, 2023, 12:00 pm (CST)

Learn the difference between “interim” ministry and “regular” ministry and to discern your gifts for intentional interim ministry. The workshop is designed for pastors and judicatory leaders who are discerning a call to intentional interim ministry. With workshops available in January and September of 2023, each workshop is a two-hour online learning event.


 2023 Adaptive Leadership & Faithful Innovation Coaching for Rostered Ministers

Leaders across the churches today face massive challenges on two fronts: understanding a pluralist culture that no longer supports Christian identity and practice; and leading faith communities through processes of learning, adaptation, and innovation in mission. Leaders are most ready to engage these challenges when they have developed basic pastoral competence and are serving in contexts where they confront these realities on a daily basis. Luther Seminary's Faith+Lead, through the generous support of the Siebert Lutheran Foundation, is inviting all six ELCA synods in Wisconsin to identify pastors who are ready and willing to go deeper in an intentional learning community that will equip them for advanced missional leadership. Applications are due by December 30, 2022.

Our friends in the Greater Milwaukee Synod do a tremendous job of overviewing the program. Visit their site for more information but to apply, please contact dara.clifford@ecsw.org.


The Ecumenical Center for Clergy Spiritual Renewal

The Ecumenical Center for Clergy Spiritual Renewal (ECCSR) offers spiritual renewal to Christian pastors through immersion experiences into the life of Holy Wisdom Monastery, and an ongoing community of monastic resources and support that extends beyond the walls of Holy Wisdom. The program offers early and mid-career clergy the opportunity to nourish their spiritual center by developing life-long, covenantal relationships between clergy peers.

These deep connections will create spiritual companioning, renewal of calling, and revitalization within the congregations they serve. Participating clergy cohorts will be diverse in many ways including but not limited to age, gender identity, ethnicity, theological training, denominational affiliation, years in ministry, and spiritual practice.

Mother Jane Johnson of the Beloved Community, Stevens Point was among the participants in the last cohort. This video shares a glimpse of the program for Clergy Spiritual Renewal. 


Recreation & Revelation – Learning and Connecting in the Mountains

Every year in February, clergy and lay people from across the country gather in the Rocky Mountains at Winter Park, Colorado for a week of continuing education, spiritual renewal, and winter play.​ 
The dates this winter: February 12-17, 2023 
The speakers: Dr. Kelly Sherman-Conroy and Dr. Ryan Bonfiglio.
More information on the event and this year’s presenters can be found here.  If you would like to learn more or have questions, feel free to contact Pastor Luther Swenson at Ascension in Green Bay at pastorluther@ascensiongb.com.


ELCA Rostered Ministers Gathering

As a Rostered Minister in the ELCA, you are invited to join colleagues under the theme of "Rekindle the gift within you"(2 Timothy 1:6).

Let this gathering be an opportunity for you to remember, reclaim, rekindle and revive yourself. Gathering with colleagues from across the church for fellowship, renewal, continuing education, worship, bible study and refreshment for your spirit.

All rostered ministers are invited (active in call, on leave from call, awaiting call, retired).

Each day will begin in worship as we center ourselves around our theme. Each morning, we will offer bible studies and keynote speakers. The afternoon hours will offer a variety of individual options from activity in the Interaction Center to workshops and caucus times.

Bishop Anne, Pastor Asher, Pastor Dara, and Pastor Jenn will be attending this event and hope you will consider coming, too!


Sleep in Heavenly Peace - Thank you! 


2023 Adaptive Leadership & Faithful Innovation Coaching for Rostered Ministers