Sleep in Heavenly Peace - Thank you! 

As many of us gather in just a few short weeks to sing Silent Night, the lyrics, "sleep in heavenly peace" take on new meaning. To those who gathered bedding, inspired generous donations, and spread the word about our ECSW synod assembly service project for the year, thank you!

The impact was incredible: You donated money to make 50 beds. An additional $12,300 was raised and shared with the Oshkosh chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, and the bedding, pillows, and sheets collected was two times more than we've ever seen in synod assembly project gifts in kind. Inspired by this project, several congregations participated in their own bed build days and donations drives. It was a loaves and fishes kind of story about the generosity that's in our synod. For your part in providing a safe space to sleep for the children in our community, thank you! 

To learn more about the Mission of Sleep in Heavenly Peace, visit


Let Every Heart Prepare Room! Hospitality and Warmth at Christmastime


Updated: Continuing Education Opportunities for Rostered Ministers