The Cloud of Witnesses

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…”
Hebrews 12:1-2

Welcome to October everyone!  I love this time of year.  I love the retreat of chlorophyll from the trees revealing the stunning reds, yellows, and oranges beneath.  I love the crunch and rustle of leaves underfoot.  I love the smell of cloves and other fall spices carried in the steam of warm drinks that we embrace, in order to brace ourselves for the cold to come.  But perhaps what I love best is how in the rapidly changing weather I become more attuned to the natural world in which I live, and the ways the atmosphere can affect me and those around me – a sleepy rainy day may sit next to a chilly day where preparations are on my mind and in my hands – a gloriously warm day that may have passed by unnoticed in the summer suddenly gains greater appreciation as we as a community pour into parks and trails for one last hurrah that we can enjoy together.  It is easy in this rapidly changing autumnal weather to perceive how the day to day changes in the atmosphere around us affect us.  But there are other, more stable and subtle atmospheres that we dwell in – atmospheres that affect our lives, our work and our witness in ways that reach far beyond the moment. 

 The author of the book of Hebrews speaks of the cloud of witnesses that surrounds us as we go about our vocations in this world.  All though chapter 11 our forebears in the faith are named as those who speak through their lives to the faithfulness of God.  Folks like you and me, who have run their race and now turn to surround us and cheer us on – an atmosphere of joy and encouragement that declares “this current challenge is not the end, rather the End is in that One who is beside us in the work and ahead of us in the race, blazing His way to the end of time where He will wipe every tear from our eyes.”  It’s a communion of saints that sets a tone of care, encouragement, joy and faith, and calls us to be a part.

In this first month of my service among you as the Director for Evangelical Mission in the East Central Synod of Wisconsin, I’ve seen and heard wonderful ways in which you have been part of that cloud of witnesses for each other.  I’ve seen congregations offer each other flexibility and support as they work to be The United Lutheran Parish (TULP) in the fields and forests of central Wisconsin, I’ve met pastors from all over the synod who came to support the installation of their colleagues.  I’ve met with Conference Deans as we remembered powerful stories of how Deans have supported us in the past and brainstormed best approaches be that presence consistently and powerfully for the pastors in our conferences today.  I’ve joined fellow pastors for the regular rhythm of “Connecting with Colleagues” (first and third Tuesdays, 11-noon) to share stories of adaptation to covid and other ongoing concerns. 

I’ve read Presiding Bishop Eaton’s encouragements to being the body of Christ together even in the midst of disagreement, and watched “ECSW this Week” a regular brief tour of what the synod staff is up to connecting and encouraging across the synod.  But perhaps my favorite story so far, is from Oshkosh back in 2019 when Christ Lutheran Church left its no-longer-sustainable church building to continue being Church in a community center near by.  This was a move they were ready to make for the mission of the gospel, but it was not a move they made alone.  Other area congregations, Our Savior’s and St. Andrew, came and stood along their way holding signs of encouragement and cheering them on as they boldly stepped into the next chapter of their ministry with God.  It was a reflection and physical manifestation of this cloud of witnesses – this supportive atmosphere - that is always around us, cheering us on and supporting us as we press on to the goal.  

When I started at the synod office, I sat down with Bishop Anne, to better understand her perspective and priorities.  She named many things that are important to her, and at the heart of it was a desire that congregations know that they are not alone – that they are connected in this synod and with the church around the world and throughout time – a cloud of witnesses that goes all the way back to Adam and Eve, will carry on to future generations and which we get to be a part of here and now.  And so, as one small contribution to this supportive atmosphere, I would like to extend an invitation to all pastors of the synod and congregational members who are involved or would like to be involved in our work together as a synod.  Join me for a 1 to 1 virtual lunch - for us to get to know one another and listen together for God’s call.  I have dedicated Monday and Thursday noon to 1pm for this purpose.  My calendar is available here or by going to the synod website.  Please sign-up for one of these slots when you have time, bring a sack lunch to your computer screen and we will meet and eat.  My hope is to talk with every pastor in the synod in the next two years.  

This race is not easy, but in, with, and through Christ we have a supportive atmosphere in which to run it!  Thanks be to God!  And I look forward to talking with you!  

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Grant Applehans
Director for Evangelical Mission 


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