New Year’s Resolutions: Resolution 1
As we kick off 2025 our hearts and minds swing back and forth. Preparing for annual reports, we look back and consider what has been and the love we were able to share through generosity and organizing in 2024. Planning ahead, we prepare to discern new commitments and callings.
On a personal levels, some of us may make New Year’s resolutions and set goals to create balance, health, or renewal. As the body of Christ in our synod, we make resolutions each year that help us focus our commitment to live into our calling, “to serve all people following the example of Jesus.” That’s our focus this year - the baptismal calling rooted in service after the example of Jesus.
Looking backwards, we’ll review the resolutions we brought before the Synod Assembly in 2024. Looking forward, we’ll prepare for the process of bringing new resolutions before the 2025 Synod Assembly. Between now and February 5th, we’ll take time to focus on each resolution. Be ready to collaborate and submit new resolutions after the window for submission opens, February 12th - March 14th.
Resolution 1 - ELCA World Hunger
Food pantry ministry
Resolution 1 encourages synod members to participate in celebrating 50 years of ELCA World Hunger by joining thousands of ELCA members together to educate, donate and serve, and participate through either 50 congregations or 50 individuals who will commit to giving at least $50 to ELCA World Hunger.
For conversation and reflection…
Did our congregation participate in 50 for $50 or in the hunger ministry support this resolution intends?
How would you describe your hunger ministry to someone who doesn’t know anything about it?
What are the challenges to your congregation’s hunger ministry? Where might you experience growth to maximize impact?