

Drafting 2025 Resolutions

Resolutions to put before the 2025 Synod Assembly must be submitted by April 4th. The guidelines for writing a resolution provide an overview of the content and process for drafting a resolution. Details on how to format a 2025 resolution may be found here.

This page provides access to the current resolutions of the East Central Synod of Wisconsin. Each resolution is listed below with its title and a link to the PDF for more details.

  • View Resolution (PDF)

    Resolution 1 encourages synod members to participate in celebrating 50 years of ELCA World Hunger by joining thousands of ELCA members together to educate, donate and serve, and participate through either 50 congregations or 50 individuals who will commit to giving at least $50 to ELCA World Hunger.

    For further details or inquiries, you can connect with the primary writers of this resolution:

  • View Resolution (PDF)

    Resolution 2 encourages all people to student the impact of racism using resources curated by the ELCA, “Now is the Time” and “A Declaration of the ELCA to American Indian and Alaska Native People.”

    Key resources included in this resolution:

  • View Resolution (PDF)

    Resolution 3 encourages the East Central Synod of Wisconsin to actively promote education and advocacy for peace in the Holy Land. This resolution highlights the church’s role in fostering awareness and understanding of complex global issues, urging members to engage in efforts supporting peace and reconciliation.

    For further details or inquiries, you can connect with leaders involved in this initiative:

  • View Resolution (PDF)

    This resolution proposes granting voting rights at the ECSW Synod Assembly to candidates in the Theological Education for Emerging Ministries (T.E.E.M.) program. These individuals, serving ECSW congregations as part of their unique pastoral training, would gain lay voting membership status under this amendment. This change recognizes their vital role in ministry while aligning with the Synod Constitution's voting guidelines.

  • View Resolution (PDF)

    Resolution 5 underscores the importance of faith-informed advocacy and includes references to key resources from the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin (LOPPW). These tools aim to support ECSW members in addressing societal challenges through civic engagement and Lutheran values.

    For more details or inquiries, please contact the ECSW office or the following resources: