New Year’s Resolutions: Resolution 3

Resolution 3 - Education and Advocacy for Peace in the Holy Land

View Resolution 3 (PDF)

Resolution 3 encourages the East Central Synod of Wisconsin to actively promote education and advocacy for peace in the Holy Land. This resolution highlights the church’s role in fostering awareness and understanding of complex global issues, urging members to engage in efforts supporting peace and reconciliation. Five “be-it-resolved” statements encourage congregational study, support for humanitarian aid, and advocacy in addition to synod wide efforts and efforts with partner religious and civil organizations that work for justice and peace for all.


For conversation and reflection…

  • The resolutions mentions three primary actions for congregations: 1) discussion or study; 2) providing aid through partners like ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response, and; 3) advocating for polices that support peace, justice, and human rights for all parties involved in the conflict. In what ways has your congregation intentionally or unintentionally participated in the work of this resolution?

  • One of the privileges of being removed from war is the ability to tune out news. What are some strategies for learning about what’s happening in the world while understanding the complex relationship between consumption of news and mental health? How can the church partner in bringing attention to the places where the need is great?

As we kick off 2025 our hearts and minds swing back and forth. Preparing for annual reports, we look back and consider what has been and the love we were able to share through generosity and organizing in 2024. Planning ahead, we prepare to discern new commitments and callings.

On a personal levels, some of us may make New Year’s resolutions and set goals to create balance, health, or renewal. As the body of Christ in our synod, we make resolutions each year that help us focus our commitment to live into our calling, “to serve all people following the example of Jesus.” That’s our focus this year - the baptismal calling rooted in service after the example of Jesus.

Looking backwards, we’ll review the resolutions we brought before the Synod Assembly in 2024. Looking forward, we’ll prepare for the process of bringing new resolutions before the 2025 Synod Assembly. Between now and February 5th, we’ll take time to focus on each resolution. Be ready to collaborate and submit new resolutions after the window for submission opens, February 12th - March 14th.


New Year’s Resolutions: Resolution 2