Seminary Scholarships and New Leaders

2022-2023 Seminary Scholarships

Our synod is able to offer modest scholarships for those who have received a positive entrance decision from our candidacy committee and who will be attending seminary during this academic year. Please use this form to apply for a scholarship. The deadline for applications is September 3, 2022. Applicants will be notified of awards by September 18th, funds will be sent to seminaries by September 30th, and announcement will be shared with the synod regarding the number of scholarships and total amount awarded in early October. Giving to our scholarship fund is one way you or your congregation can help raise up leaders for the church. If you're interested in giving to this fund, please contact Synod Financial Administrator, Nancy Salzwedel (

New Leaders for Ministry

We're excited to report that 3 people in our synod recently entered into the process for becoming a pastor or a deacon. On August 17th, our bi-synodical candidacy committee met at Grace Lutheran Church in Tomahawk. After engaging in discernment and preparing a number of materials, each of these candidates was interviewed at this meeting and received positive entrance decisions. Another candidate received an approval decision at this meeting, officially completing the process of preparation for ministry, and is now ready to begin her first-call as a pastor this fall. Rejoice with us for these candidates' openness to God's call and please keep them in your prayers as they continue in discernment and preparation for ordained ministry:

  • Liz Locke - Entranced to process for becoming a deacon, attending Wartburg Seminary, and her home congregation is Calvary Lutheran Church in Two Rivers.

  • Elizabeth Sell - Entranced to process for becoming a pastor, attending Wartburg Seminary, and her home congregation is First English Lutheran Church in Oshkosh.

  • Keith Sorlie - Entranced to process for becoming a pastor, attending Wartburg Seminary, and his home congregation is Bethel, Green Valley.

  • Melissa Hrdlicka - Approved to become a pastor, graduated from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, and her home congregation is Ascension Lutheran Church in Green Bay.


Advocacy Alert: Afghan Adjustment Act


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