The Rev. Jerry Mansholt Celebrates 50 years of ordination

On Sunday, August 18th, the people of God at First United Lutheran Church in Sheboygan celebrated the 50th ordination anniversary of our previous bishop, Pastor Jerry Mansholt. He currently is serving as interim pastor in the Greater Milwaukee Synod, ELCA and Bishop Paul Erickson was the preacher of the day. Associate to the Bishop, Director for Evangelical Mission, Pastor Dara Clifford, brought greetings from all of us to celebrate the day and the unity we have in Christ.

Dear Pastor Jerry, Anita, and all the people at First United Lutheran Church,

In the name of Jesus Christ, greetings from all of the saints in the East Central Synod of Wisconsin, the synod staff and council, and from Bishop Anne Edison-Albright.

In our synod there was a standing tradition surrounding ordination anniversaries that then Bishop Jerry had so joyfully shared at each synod assembly. You reminded us of what the world was like in the anniversary years that were celebrated. So it only seems fitting that we remind you - that in 1974…

A postage stamp was $0.10

Bread was $0.28

Milk was $1.39

And a gallon of gas was $0.53

We would be completely remiss if we didn’t mention baseball. So - in 1974…

Hammerin' Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run off of L.A. Dodger Al Downing, breaking Babe Ruth's record in Atlanta

And then of course, the universe, the world, and the church were changing. So - also in 1974…

The first extraterrestrial message was sent out from Earth into space

Richard Nixon resigned as President of the United States and Vice President Gerald Ford was sworn in to take his place.

Seminex left brave students uncertain about if ordination would happen at all and what that might look like in a changing church -

And you, Jerry Mansholt, were ordained as a minister of word and sacrament.

Pastor Jerry, we give thanks to God for 50 years of faithful ministry in Christ’s one holy and apostolic church. We know countless people have been impacted by your joyful, gentle leadership, your passion for justice, your warm presence in times of crisis, your fierce advocacy for your leaders, and your commitment to care for God’s people.

You cared well for our synod in an uncertain time, bringing steadiness and gospel centered leadership when we needed it the most. You’ve walked along countless congregations, candidates, and rostered ministers to strengthen the unity of the church by dwelling in the word and advocating for healthy systems. Serving as our Bishop for just over six of those 50 years, you helped us dream about what synod ministry could be as we were stirred by the spirit, walking together, and engaging the world with God’s love. Your servant heart helped hold us together during covid time and you came back to serve again as interim minister at Calvary in Green Bay.

Just as you have told so many others, now we say again to you, be of good courage, for God has called you, and your labors in the lord are not in vain. May God sustain you and your family, and bless you and keep you on this day of celebration and into God’s promised future. We thank God for you.

The Rev. Dara Clifford, Anita Mansholt, The Rev. Jerry Mansholt, Bishop Paul Erickson (Greater Milwaukee), and The Rev. Heidi Borkenhagen gather to honor Pastor Jerry on the 50th anniversary of his ordination. 


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