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Bishop’s Message: Prayer in Holy Times
Earlier this month, my colleagues and I in the ELCA Conference of Bishops met for a time of connection, worship, and shared ministry in Itasca, Illinois. A full summary of our time together is linked here and included in the news release below. One of the most important items on the agenda included drafting and delivering a letter to President Biden as well as issuing a statement calling for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza.
Reflections on Attending European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice
The European Descent Lutheran Association for Racial Justice (EDLARJ) Triennial Assembly in Minneapolis March 1-3 and the ECSW was well represented.
ELCA Conference of Bishops calls for permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza
Our ELCA Conference of Bishops, including our synod's Bishop Anne Edison-Albright, met Feb. 27 to March 2 in Itasca, IL; in this statement the Conference calls for ceasefire in Gaza and prays for peacemaking.