Synod Youth Ministry
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Journey with Jesus Inescapable L(o)ve
God’s love is as much a part of us as the air that we breathe and cells that make up our bodies. The Bible says that NOTHING has the power to separate us from God’s love. This year, the synod youth gathering will explore ways we can know, share, and experience the love God has for us in Christ Jesus.
Synod Youth Worker Dinners
Join other youth ministers from across the synod for a chance to talk, share and support each other. Watch for details by subscribing to The Weekly Wave Synod Newsletter below.
Dinners will be held from 6pm - 9pm at Pine Lake Camp, Waupaca.
January 16 , 2025
Safe Gatherings
Screening Volunteers to Protect the Vulnerable
The East Central Synod of Wisconsin is committed to providing safe places of worship and fellowship to everyone they serve and has partnered with Safe Gatherings to promote and implement this belief. Visit the button below where we have put together information and resources we hope you will find helpful. It’s our shared goal that 100% of the churches in the synod will complete the Safe Gatherings designation and become approved through this program. It’s our deepest desire that church members and visitors feel comfortable and confident trusting your team with their loved ones. This designation is an additional formal layer of protection for everyone from children to adults, and church staff to volunteers. We believe we are all called to protect the vulnerable in our world and encourage all Safe Gatherings organizations to do the same by leveraging these resources.