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Boundary Education for Rostered Leaders

ELCA Region 5 (the synods of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and the Northern Great Lakes) will gather in satellite locations in our synod for a combined boundaries education day for actively serving rostered leaders.

We will be holding Boundary Education on November 7th, 2024 at two locations in our synod.  Please register to reserve your spot.  The link to register is HERE  The deadline to register is October 24th.  There are limited seats available, so register early.

This is part of a 3-year cycle for professional development.  The entire Region 5 will be holding this education the same day and utilizing a hybrid model for our presenter.  

Region 5 is committed to Boundary Education.   Our focus is on creating professional ministry leadership and for safety in our communities of faith.  

Region 5 | Boundary Education | Professional Development

November 7th, 2024

9:00am - 3:00pm

Choose between attending at either:

Saint Andrew, Wausau OR Christ the King, Combined Locks

Cost $100 includes lunch

Deadline to Register:  October 24th, 2024

October 21

Fall Conference

November 9

Synod Learning Day