Synod Youth Ministry

Journey with Jesus -
Synod Youth Gatheirng

Those in grades 6 -12 in the ECSW
(and one or more adult for every eight youth)

Journey with Jesus - A synod youth gathering

Imago Dei Village, Clintonville, Wisconsin

February 16-18, 2024

Early Bird Registration - $199/person
Don't have youth?
Consider sponsoring the cost for one young person to attend by making a gift to the synod. 

How to register?
The best way to register is as a group. Attendee #1 should be the primary adult. Following each registration, in light grey there is an option to “add attendee.” Our preference is that church groups register together. Can’t find a group? That’s okay - register as Attendee #1 and send an email to the address below to let us know you’re looking to join up with new friends. THE BUTTON BELOW is a direct link to the registration.

What if we don't know how many kids we have coming yet? 
The planning team is needing to get a sense of how large of a group to plan for - it would greatly help if you could register those whom you do have planning to come as soon as possible. We have some time yet to add those not yet sure about coming! 

Our church can't pay by credit card - can we pay by check? 
Yes! Chat with Jeanne Jerks using the contact info below to get everyone registered. 
